How Do I Get My Deleted Account On Roblox Back?

If your account got deleted from the most popular gaming platform Roblox then there’s no such thing as ‘it’s the end of your Roblox life”. You can still get it back. But first, you need to know why it got deleted in the first place.

Roblox is, however, a well-known and established gaming platform, and thus the rules are quite strict following for all kinds of users. As much as it wants the users to enjoy its services to the edge,

Roblox only deletes an account because of any of the following reasons:

1. If the account has been inactive for more than one year, create a space for new and efficient players.

2. if the users perform any illegal activities on the program, such as using foul and abusive language or sharing inappropriate and illegal content.


How To File An Appeal?

After getting your reason found, players can file an appeal to the Roblox committee to investigate and evaluate the activities of their account.

Players can do it by going through the Roblox support page.

SOURCE: Mousee

For that, the players need to fill in their usernames and give a short explanation of their case when asked.

SOURCE: Mousee

The appeal can be filed only once the review team has examined your account. So explain the problems in the first petition itself. You have to complete the task within 30 days of the period of the ban only, or it won’t be accepted.

SOURCE: Mousee