
How To Become A Judge In Bitlife

A judge is an official in the court. It takes years to become a judge. To be a judge in Bitlife, you must complete law school and work for 30 years as a lawyer. The judge career is similar to the CEO career in Bitlife. Both careers take years to accomplish. However, the judge’s career may seem easier to occupy than the CEO position. It is one of the high-paying jobs in Bitlife.

High Smarts

The key is to have high smarts. If your character has low smarts, you can boost this stat by visiting the public library each year and reading books. Reading children’s picture books takes less time to read. You can also join the science club in school to maintain your grades.

Selecting A Major At The University

After graduating from secondary school, you may apply to university, get a job, enlist in the military or take some time off. When applying to university, choose criminal justice, political science, philosophy, finance, or English as a major. These are the only majors that guarantee acceptance into law school. If you don’t find any of these majors in the university, you may close the game and reopen it, or switch to a previously saved life, then change back, then apply again. This method will refresh the list of majors. After choosing your major, you will select how you want to pay for university. You can apply for a scholarship, ask your parents to pay, pay with cash, or apply for a student loan. If your parents are rich and generous, they will agree to pay your tuition.

Applying To Law School

After completing the required degree, you may apply to law school or get a job to help pay for law school. If you have high smarts and a degree in criminal justice, political science, philosophy, finance, or English, you will get accepted. You also have to select how you will pay for this school. If you apply for a student loan, take part-time jobs to avoid a negative bank balance. Once you complete this school, you have to start paying back your loan. Therefore, you need to get a job.

Becoming A Lawyer

You cannot get a job as a judge after law school because you need 30 years of experience. You have to work as a lawyer for 30 years. You can apply for the position of a law clerk or junior associate. After getting the job, you need to work harder to improve your performance. You may also increase your work hours, but pay attention to your stress level as you don’t want to suffer high blood pressure. If you have a high job performance, you will keep getting promoted. The highest rank in the lawyer career is a partner.

Becoming A Judge

When you have worked for 30 years as a lawyer, you can apply for the job of a magistrate. You will get an interview if you have high smarts and 30 years of experience. When you get the job, you will unlock the job achievement. Keep working harder in this position to get promoted. The job path of the judge career is;

Magistrate – Magistrate Court Judge – District Court Judge – Associate Chief Judge – Chief Judge

After working for 20 years as a judge, you would collect this career.

The judge career is similar to the CEO career as both take dedication and years to achieve. To become a judge, you must complete law school and work for 30 years as a lawyer, then apply for a position as a magistrate, after which you will unlock the judge’s achievement.