Listed below are the working codes for Roblox Treasure Quest:
Code | Reward | Status | Release |
SAUCE | XP Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
RATIO | Gold Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
AMOGUS | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
QUIRKY | Lucky Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
WHOASKED | XP Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
BOOST | Gold Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
NOOB | Gold Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
ICYBOI | XP Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
BOZO | Gold Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
STRONK | Damage Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
POG | XP Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
WHAT | Luck Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
PAUSE | Luck Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
SECRET | Gold Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
blizmid | Avalanche weapon | working | 10/05/2023 |
drip | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
FALL2022 | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
GHOULPLASMRETURNS | Jump Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
thx_for300klikes | XP Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
SPOOKYTIME | Skin Chest | working | 10/05/2023 |
WINTER2022 | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
HYPERFROSTS REVENGE | Luck Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
HAPPYHOLIDAYS3 | Best Gift Ever Skin | working | 10/05/2023 |
SEASON4 | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
WAVEDEFENSE | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
ARCHER | Archer potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
WEEKLYCOMPETITIONS | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
GLORY | Damage Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
SPRING2023 | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
CODECODECODE123123 | Luck Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
HALFABILLION! | 500 Million Effect | working | 10/05/2023 |
ELEMENTUSREVENGE | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
SUMMER2023 | Luck Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
ENDLESSMODIFIERS | Super Luck Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
PRIDE2023 | Pride Flag | working | 10/05/2023 |
TQ4YEARBIRTHDAY!!! | four or more Cosmetics | working | 10/05/2023 |
DAILYDUNGEONS | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
SKILLPOINTS | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
DUNGEONCHANGESWOOHOO | Luck Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
BRIGHTESTBEACH | Speed Potion | working | 10/05/2023 |
Treasure Quest Codes (Expired):
- HAPPYHOLIDAYS3—Redeem for Best Gift Ever Skin
- BRIGHT&SUNNY—Redeem for a Speed Potion
- verycoolcode—Redeem for a Gold Potion
- TQ3YEARS—Redeem for Three & Free
- PRIDE—Redeem for the Pride Flag
- GOODLUCKPLZ!!!—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- MONOLITHRETURNS—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- SPRING2022—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- SMOGSANCTUM—Redeem for an XP Potion
- NEWDUNGEONHYPE—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- PROLOBBY—Redeem for XP Potion
- anothaone—Redeem for a Reward
- surpriseee—Redeem for a Reward
- GHOULPLASM—Redeem for 10 Backpack Slots
- SHOPUPDATE—Redeem for Speed Potion
- RIPBRIGHTBEACH—Redeem for Luck Potion
- VACATION—Redeem for Unique Potion
- SUMMERTIME2021—Redeem for XP Potion
- TQ2YEARS—Redeem for Two & Through
- 300MILLIONVISITS—Redeem for earn 10 Backpack Slots
- SUPERSUNNY—Redeem for Luck Potion
- MINESHAFT—Redeem for Hat Chest
- UPDATEHYPE—Redeem for Color Chest
- LUCKYLUCKYLUCKY—Redeem for luck potion
- HAPPYEASTER2021—Redeem for XP potion
- REWRITE3—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- REWRITE2—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- REWRITE1—Redeem code for 10 Backpack slots (NEW)
- THANKSFOR250M_1—Redeem code for 250 Million Effect
- THANKSFOR250M_2—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- KNIGHTMARE—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- POISONPRISON—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- BOSSFIGHT—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- SPOOKY—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- HAUNTED—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- FRANKENSTEIN—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- ABYSS—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- DOMINUSGRIND—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- samurai—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- 2hourluck—Redeem code for Luck Potions
- area51—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- plzgivemythical—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- summerishere—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- luckluckluck—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- ultimaterarity—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- mythicalplz—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- imfeelinglucky—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- halloweenupdate—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- NEWLOBBYHYPE—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- brightbeachisback—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- shoprevamp—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- PROTECTOR—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- FIERYFORTRESS—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- SCROLLSHYPE—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- BIGBOOST—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- omgrobots—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- coralrevamp—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- sewersrevamp—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- naughty—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- nice—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- update14—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- luckfordays—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- spookyseason—Redeem for a Luck Potion
- HYPERFROST—Redeem code for a Luck Potion
- COCONUT—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- PALMTREES—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- GHOUL—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- ZOMBIE—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- DANGERDEPTHS—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- NEWGAMEMODE—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- ENDLESSUNCAPPED—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- XPPOTION—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- update10—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- update11—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- 2hourexp—Redeem code for XP Potions
- ufo—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- update9—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- newdungeonhype—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- ilovexp—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- shellgrind—Redeem for a XP Potion
- summertime—Redeem for a XP Potion
- 2NEWABILITIES—Redeem for a XP Potion
- UPDATE22—Redeem for a XP Potion
- UPDATE21—Redeem for a XP Potion
- EGGHUNT2020—Redeem for a XP Potion
- UPDATE20—Redeem for a XP Potion
- hi—Redeem for a XP Potion
- update19—Redeem for a XP Potion
- UPDATE18—Redeem for a XP Potion
- junglerevamp—Redeem for a XP Potion
- icecold—Redeem for a XP Potion
- update16—Redeem for a XP Potion
- winterishere—Redeem for a XP Potion
- peppermints—Redeem for a XP Potion
- update15—Redeem for a XP Potion
- evenmorexp—Redeem for a XP Potion
- autumn—Redeem for a XP Potion
- experienceboost2—Redeem for a XP Potion
- experienceboost—Redeem for a XP Potion
- pumpkincarving—Redeem for a XP Potion
- update12—Redeem for a XP Potion
- SUNSHINE—Redeem code for an XP Potion
- FEDERATIONGRIND—Redeem code for a Luck Effect
- localization—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- blackbelt—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- givemelevels—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- happy4thofjuly—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- update7—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- reepotion—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- endlessmode—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- i<3effects—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- randomeffect—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- anothereffect—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- hypehype—Redeem code for a Random Effect
- pearlhunt—Redeem for Random Effect
- ranoutofideas—Redeem for Random Effect
- king—Redeem code for Lightshow Effect
- cavesrevamp—Redeem for an Effect Potion
- newmonstershype—Redeem for a Random Reward
Roblox Treasure Quest is a dungeon crawler RPG. The goal is to fight enemies, clear dungeons, get items, level up, rinse, and repeat.
The player can obtain a daily reward for logging in to the game daily. There’s also a quest board where the player can get quests and complete them for rewards. There’s a daily shop that has items that refresh every day. The shops have two categories, items and cosmetics. Players can also deposit their valuables into a bank; this saves their inventory space. Every ten levels, emblems are unlocked. There’s also a food cart with food-themed weapons like Popslice, Fun Guy, Carrot striker, Golden apple staff, Cookie axe, Bread axe, Cupcake caster, Apple staff, and many more weapons.
SOURCE: Gaming Dan
Players can also upgrade their equipment using gold at the upgrade shop. There’s also a crafting shop where the players can craft their weapons if recipes are unlocked. There are twenty-seven recipes to be unlocked.
The player’s class depends on their weapon; there are only two classes right now, Warrior and Mage; warriors use swords, and Mages use Staffs.
Dungeons can be entered just by clicking a green play button. There are twenty dungeons right now, and they all have specific level requirements to enter them. The weapons have unique abilities; some are guaranteed specific abilities while others have random abilities. There are five rarities for the equipment: Common, Rare, Legendary, Mythical, and Ultimate. Armor pieces don’t have any base stats; instead, their stats are randomly generated.
Benefits Of Treasure Quest Codes
We have these Twitter codes to help make grinding easier in Treasure Quest. These codes provide a variety of things like- Gold potion, Exp potion, Speed Potion, and Luck potion. Following the developers on Twitter and verifying gives the player an additional twenty-five percent luck boost.
How To Redeem Treasure Quest Codes?
The code redeeming process is not too complicated in Treasure Quest; follow the instructions below as it guides you to redeem your code.
SOURCE: Gaming Dan
To redeem the codes in Treasure Quest, follow the steps below:
- Log into your Roblox account and launch the Treasure Quest
- Look forthe Twitter icon at the right edge of your screen after your char finishes loading.
- Click on the Twitter icon, and the Codes menu will open up.
- Follow the two Twitter accounts which are listed there, and when you are done, click on @Twitter Name andenter your Twitter name.
- Now click the green tick mark next to it. The codes should be redeemed successfully.
SOURCE: Gaming Dan
For the newest game updates and the game codes, check out the Twitter account of the developer-Â @NosniyRBLX.